Bienvenue!!! Informations générales pour les étudiants d'échange
Calendrier universitaire
semestre d'hiver : de 1er octobre jusqu'à mi-mars
semestre d'été : de la mi-mars à la fin de septembre
Chaque semestre se compose d'une phase théorique de trois mois (de l'octobre jusqu'au décembre et le mars/avril jusqu'au Mai/Juin) et une phase pratique (dans l'entreprise) de trois mois (de le janvier jusqu'au mars et le juin/juillet jusqu'au septembre). International students may be able to take part in a practical phase but an internship at a German company cannot be guaranteed. Placements are largely dependent on the applicant’s ability to speak German. If no internship can be provided, international students are expected to attend courses in another theoretical phase offered in parallel to the practical phase.
The International Office is available to assist international students in finding suitableaccommodation. Applicants are advised to contact the International office well in advance. Rooms in a hall of residence cost between 180 and 230 euros and from 250 to 350 euros in private accommodation. All universities have notice boards on campus displaying available student accommodation.
Langue allemande
Courses at the University of Cooperative Education Karlsruhe are normally held in German. However, some courses are also held in English - see "Lectures in English". German language courses are offered in cooperation with Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. International exchange students may attend all courses open to German students.
Students from abroad must ensure that they have adequate health cover. Those from EU countries should normally be in possession of a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Students from countries outside the EU must take out health insurance in Germany. The cost of this is approximately 70 euros per month.
Guide Étudiant international (en anglais)
International Students Guide (pdf, 2 MB) International Students Guide - Study at DHBW Karlsruhe, Germany
Formes d'enregistrement
Application for Students of Partner Institutions (Internship) (docx, 47 KB) Registration form: Personal Information, Language Skills and University Information with Preferences concerning the internship
Application for Students of Partner Institutions (Study) (docx, 49 KB) Registration form: Personal Information with Buddy-Programm, Language Skills and University Information